Longtime Resident Earns Local Status

Manteo – Local resident Anthony Byers, 48, recently earned the coveted “Local” status at a celebration held at the Manteo Community Center. Balloons, streamers, lime sherbet fizzy punch, and a tray of cupcakes, both chocolate and vanilla, helped to make the event special for Byers and the five natives who milled about the room warily, glancing occasionally at the guest of honor and whispering quietly to each other.

“After twenty-five years, I am so proud to finally achieve this recognition,” said Byers, who produced a booklet filled with stickers commemorating his steps along the way to his current status.

“Look! This is the ‘Tolerated Outsider’ award I received after living here for seven years. There was some debate about whether I deserved this one since I moved from Old Town Manteo to the North Side at year four. But they gave it to me anyway,” he explained. The sticker was brown and shaped like a leech. The next sticker was the gray lamprey-shaped “Seems OK” award granted at twelve years, followed several smaller steps culminating in the blue jellyfish “Associate” sticker at twenty years, granting recipients the right to be present but not participate when locals discuss topics of importance.

“This is the big one, though,” beamed Byers, “This allows me to visit the Tiki Bar in Wanchese, discuss local politics, and exchange greetings with actual natives. I guess I can say ‘hoi toide on the sound soide’ now.”

A chorus of offended grunts was followed by a strained rebuke from one of the attending natives, “No. No, you can’t. Stop talking now.”

Byers responded, “Listen to that brogue. That’s one of the things that make this place so special. Ah, these are my people now. Am I right, my homies?” The man who had spoken glowered back, and a heavily-bearded man seated along the wall nursing a glass of green punch actually spit on the floor in response.

Byers shrugged sheepishly and let out a nervous titter.

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