Bartender worried about not having enough PBR

Kill Devil Hills – An unnamed bartender was overheard worrying about only having a few 12 packs of P.B.R. left. The award winning lager is the most popular drink among the finest denizens of local drinking establishments. It is popular for its crisp taste and classy alignment. The bartender, who wishes to remain anonymous was quoted saying, “I don’t know what we will do if we run out of P.B.R. I might have to serve some of that overpriced swill. My patrons want the best, and I want to give it to them.”

Local bar patron Steven “Weasel” Beasley was shocked to learn his favorite beverage was in short supply, “It’s the only thing I can afford since Obama decided to tax all the other beers to more than $2. I’m trying to ball on a budget, but I don’t wanna drink Bud Light or Corona like some tourist.”

“Of all the cheap beers P.B.R. has the best bouquet and malty finish. It really is a good beer when compared to other beers in its price range,” interjected some bearded hipster who wasn’t asked a goddamn thing.
“Look as long as we have Fireball, everything is going to be alright,” said the manager of the establishment after sensing the tension from her bar staff. “If worse comes to worse we can always break out that case of Mickey’s that has been in the walk-in for two years. People love trying to solve those caps amiright?”

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