Opinion: Jennette’s pier wind turbine can’t even

For awhile now one of the turbines on Jennette’s pier has decided to stop caring. The ungrateful turbine is producing no power, and just sitting there freeloading on our tax payer funded pier. You don’t see the other two turbines complaining about having to do their job, but no this lazy guy is going to take a break. What’s the matter? Is your gearbox sore? Or is it because you are protesting for some libtard cause. Let me guess you are sad for all the fish being killed under you, or that there isn’t a transsexual bathroom on the pier.

I told you this would happen. Renewable energy is for beatniks and California liberals. If we had an oil rig out there it would be pumping away. No questions asked! You would have more oil than you know what to do with, and would that rig complain? Hell no, because oil is as American as apple pie. Now I can already hear the millennials, “but what about the poor sea life.” You drive a car don’t you? See you are a hypocrite just like this stupid turbine.

This is a perfect metaphor for the state American is in right now. Two hardworking turbines now have to work overtime to provide for a third turbine who could totally work himself, but is content to take handouts. Thanks Obama.

When asked for comment the other two turbines declined because they were too busy doing their job.

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