Goose parents with too many goslings take up residence on Colington road

Colington – A mating pair of geese have decided that they had one too many eggs hatch this year. While not able to pick which of the goslings is their favorite, they decided to put the choice in the hands of the drivers of Colington road.

“I know we can’t keep them all, but I can’t bring myself to kick a couple out of the nest,” said the mother bird.

“This way is more fair,” The father confided. “Some one will be texting, or fiddling with their radio, and boom the choice is made for us. I’m not saying I want my children to die, but if it happens, well that’s natures way of sorting things out.”

Meanwhile the Audubon Society and Defenders of Wildlife have sued Dare County to close the road. They issued a statement saying “The Colington Road Goose is one of the rarest species of Canada geese. They live on a tiny sliver of land, and face the unnecessary perils of being run over by uncaring humans. They deserve more than just the shoulder, they should have both lanes as well.”

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