Colington Man misses the Church Curve

Colington – Chuck “Boney” Watson of Colingwood is sick of people complaining about the drive back to Colington. “People now don’t even know how it used to be.”

“When you came around the turn at the church going 45 into the bank, you felt like you were at Talladega,” he said reminiscing to anyone who would listen at T.J.s.

The infamous “church turn” was diverted years ago in the interest of safety, but Boney was not consulted.

“I remember the first time I almost got hit there,” he said longingly as he looked up, “you really felt alive in those days. Back then people knew what Colington was about: drinking, smoking weed, being awesome, and almost dying on your way to and from work. Shits changed now man, shits changed.”

“My mom told me that they changed it because so many people died there,” said some kid who stopped to listen before a parent quickly ushered them away from Boney.

“Yeah people died there,” Boney said stoically, “but they also lived there too.”CHURCHcurveweb.jpg

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