Governor Christie Embroiled in Ocracoke Controversy

Yesterday Governor Chris Christie, the Republican Governor of New Joisey, found himself again in the middle of heated controversy after a local tour plane operated snapped a picture of him and his family enjoying the deserted beaches on Ocracoke Island. In July, the Christie family was photographed on a beach in New Joisey after the beach had been closed due to state budgetary reasons.

Ocracoke has been closed to the public for the past week due to a massive power outage caused by a cut power line that has affected all areas south of Oregon Inlet. A mandatory evacuation was issued and Governor Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency.  All non-residents and non-essential personnel have been ordered off the island.

Christie’s new spokesperson, Anthony Scaramucci, said that Governor Christie is certainly an “essential personnel” and thus exempt from the ban. He further said the Christie family is constantly under attack by the fake media and that they need to find isolated places to get away from the 24 hour fake news cycle and so the public should cut him a break.

Since the photo was made public The OBX Report has learned that Governor Christie is not only on the board of PCL Construction, the company responsible for severing the power lines to the island, but he is also a major shareholder in the company. Mr. Scaramucci has denied that Governor Christie ordered up an “accident” so he could enjoy a little “me time” on Ocracoke.   “It’s ridiculous,” said Scaramucci. “Like when they accused him of shutting down that bridge. Totally baseless. Fake. Fake. Fake.”

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4 Replies to “Governor Christie Embroiled in Ocracoke Controversy”

  1. Very funny! I enjoyed it, being from New Jersey and, like 90% of other New Jerseyites, disliking the man rather intensely. Keep up the good investigative reporting, just make sure trump keeps his little paws off my favorite island.

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