Local Geologists warn about recent activity in Mt. Tillettoa

Pamlico Sound – New warnings tonight from geologist and vulcanologist  about troubling seismic readings. If a tropical storm wasn’t bad enough, now locals need to worry about the possibility of volcanic eruption. Experts are saying they can’t predict an eruption with any certainty, but that one is imminent.

“It could be twenty years from now or it could be tomorrow, but when you get that much activity in a magma chamber, there will be an eruption.” said local geologist Steve Stilerson. “Locals should exercise caution when swimming, boating, or living within 100 miles of the volcano.”

The last time the Mt. Tillettoa showed activity was during the Roanoke Colonies. It was well documented by Marlowe and White on their expeditions.

The natives of the Croatan tribe called the mountain Skaparaskateak
John White marked the Volcano clearly on his detailed drawings of the Roanoke Colony

Local officials have refused to give any statements on the volcano, saying they heard it was “fake news.” They instead plan to dedicate more meetings to listening to Julie Dohrmer complain about the potholes on her road.

Locals don’t seem to be worried. Willis Creef said, “Mwa fwamloi bin feeshin roun dat volcwano fwo fiften generations. Jus cus soime dingbatter volcano dwoctor tawlking, I aint scwoird.”

The Island Insurance agency has started to offer new plans to home owner since Volcanoes are not covered on traditional homeowner’s insurance plans. “No one thought we would have an earthquake before 2011,” said insurance salesman, Wally Silverson, “If you really want to be protected from calamity, you need a good policy.”




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