Name that Bridge: Another naming contest goes badly awry

Last May the North Carolina Department of Transportation initiated a survey of Dare, Hyde and Currituck county residents to name the new Bonner Bridge replacement.

Apparently, NCDOT has never heard of Boaty McBoatface.

In 2016, the England’s Natural Environment Research Division (NERD) conducted an online poll to name a newly commissioned research vessel. Boaty McBoatface became the overwhelming choice of the pubic. NERD eventually chose to christen the boat the Sir David Attenborough, but one of its autonomous underwater subs was given the Boaty moniker.

The NCDOT naming survey was closed in June after the top vote-getting names were deemed “entirely inappropriate” by the Governor’s office. While the names were not released to the pubic, a source in the DOT records division speaking to the OBX Report on the condition of anonymity has said “Truss Worthy,” “Nickelback Sucks” and “Bridge Out” were the leading contenders.

While completely unofficial, the OBX Report would like to know your thoughts on the name for the new bridge. Leave your suggestion in the comment section or drop it off in one of the public beach access mailboxes in Kitty Hawk or Kill Devil Hills.


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