Outer Bankers Pray For South Carolina… To Be The Place The Florence Hits.

The National Hurricane Center is showing Hurricane Florence bearing down on the Georgia/South Carolina coast, and Outer Bankers couldn’t be more relieved. After years of being the location of landfall, residents are over batting down the hatches and cleaning up flood waters.

“It’s their turn,” said Wade Midgette, “We have got the last 5 or something crazy like that. I know it’s mean to root for them to get it, but come on, Hatteras has been flooded like 8 times in the last 4 years.”

Experts are uncertain about the path the storm may take, and there are a number of variables that could affect it. 90% of scientist were willing to say that prayer couldn’t hurt an area’s chances of getting hit, but there were a few researchers that thought God might turn the hurricane at those who wished it upon others in some bible like parable.

“I had 4 feet of water in my house during Mathew!” said South Nags Head local, Jennet Gompers, “I know they got some of Mathew too, but what if this time they just get all of Florence?”

Other locals are not so optimistic. “I know this shit is gonna hit us,” said Nancy Sawyer, “We always get the worst. Pray all you want, this is gonna sink my the island.”


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