Local Fisherman Catches Citation Size Buzz at Fishing Tournament

When the fish aren’t biting there is only one thing to do: drink. At least that is the philosophy of veteran surf fisherman Wally Daniels. He isn’t the top angler on the beach, but he could drink you under the table.

“This is the fourth time we have given Wally a citation for drinking in public,” said park ranger Ricky Stevens, “If he keeps drinking like this he might get the state record.”

His fishing buddies love bringing him along. “When we ain’t catching fish, we gotta have something to keep us busy. That’s where Wally comes in. He gets his drink on, and we get our laugh on. It’s good times.”

“You don’t know whats I’m talking you,” Wally explained, “I been fishing for so, I have been fishing since, you don’t fish, I have fish, well I don’t have fish, but I go fish, you don’t. You trying to fight me goat boy? That’s what I thought.”

“Yeah when he gets like this I prefer him to be on the beach with his idiot friends,” Wally’s wife said, “He has never been able to catch fish, so at least he is good at something, it sure isn’t being a husband.”

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