Dare County Residents Organize to Repossess Sand From Duck After Local Arrested At Beach Access

Duck NC – In an act of civil disobedience, locals from all over the county of Dare organized to remove the sand paid for with county money from Duck’s beaches. The protest occurred as the result of a local surfer being arrested for checking the waves at an access an oceanfront property owner claimed was private. The issue of Duck and Southern Shores not having public beach access has long been an issue of contention among locals, but the arrest of one of their own for daring to walk out onto the beach sent them over the edge.

Hundreds of locals with beach buckets, 5 gallon buckets, and empty kegs started a fireman line to move the sand. They started at the house of the man who called the police on the surfer.

“If we can’t use the sand we paid for, we are taking it back,” said angry local Jim Baum, “If this guy thinks low class locals will bring down his property value, he should see what high tide will do to it without the sand our taxes paid for.”

“So we are good enough to clean their cottages and serve them food, but we better not dare to go to their beach,” local Sandra Daniels said as she filled a bucket and handed it off to a friend.

“There is no law about digging a hole on the beach or making sand castles,” Kill Devil Hills resident Justin Thomas said, “If anyone asks we are just building a big sand castle in Kitty Hawk. You know the place where locals can go to the beach.”

“I bought a house down here specifically so I could avoid the f*cking dumb-ass riff raff,” said ocean front home owner, Dandy Yankle, “If I wanted my beach covered with beer cans and corn hole I could have stayed in New Jersey. Now these mother effers are stealing my sand from in front of my cottage? I’m gonna call the police and get them all arrested.”

Thankfully for the protesters, the town of Duck and it’s illogical interpretation of laws they realized that the police were also locals and were therefore not allowed to use the beach access either. When asked for comment the town released another public statement similar to the first: “It is embarrassing to admit it, but if we are saying that our beaches are public, yet the public has no way to get to them, which in effect makes them private beaches, but we need to maintain they are public, even though they are de facto private, so we can get that sweet county money, that we will use on public beaches, which only rich cottage owners can use, then we might come across a illogical at best and intentionally hypocritical at worse, but no one can do anything about it, since most of the voters down here are rich transplants who only claim residency here for tax purposes, and agree with keeping the accesses private, because they own houses in HOAs that have an access. If we were going to use eminent domain, it wouldn’t be to make the beach accesses public, it would be to turn DVO into a Lands’ End outlet.”

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108 Replies to “Dare County Residents Organize to Repossess Sand From Duck After Local Arrested At Beach Access”

  1. Is Dandy Yankle a real name? I lived in Jersey from 5th grade to graduation. I left immediately. Jersey sucks. Bad attitudes, arrogant, very hairy, aholes who respect no one and nothing. Carry your sorry self back to the swamp you crawled out of. You don’t have a beach attitude so you will never fit in with the decent people of the outer banks.

      1. The hell with the rich transplants from the north owning a house down here and complaining about a local business owner or any local for that matter. I’ll walk up that path whenever I damb well please

    1. I have had dealings with northerns before, some can be very nice but others want to come south and bring their northern ways. If you don’t like our southern values and ways the same road brought you can carry you back… Goodbye

    2. I have never heard the term Dandy Yankle. I have always heard my Daddy call them Damn Yankees. He used to say that there were very few Yankees, but there were many Damn Yankees.

    3. No, read where it says “real fake news”. Article is based on real facts. But the story is satirical in nature.

    4. yanki doodle dandy go back to wherever you came from you don’t own the beach

    5. They need to dig out every drop of sand. That ho.e owner needs to now seethe isnt welcome in their community and go bad up north where it is more normal to be an assh@/@

  2. that very true we paid for the sand so taxpayers should vote against duck and let the rest of the beach have it done let them pay for there own beach as a tax payer i would say to leave duck out down south nags head and waves and hatteras needs it worst.

    1. People don’t pay for the beach, they pay for the property their house is on and of course the view. Public access should be on every beach in every town. If you want your own beach put up a chain link fence to the dunes. Anything past the dunes is and should be public access. At least that’s how it is here in NJ where I live. Any beach that starts after the dunes is public. I have lived at the BEACH my whole life 59 years. The outer banks is a beautiful area we use to come there every year for a week for vacation. I have family that live in KDH.

    1. He came to get away from the ‘f’ing dumb ass riff- raff’ . Just a little FYI for Dandy Yankle (or whatever your actual name is). YOU ARE THE F’ING DUMBASS RIFF RAFF. You move down here to get away from something but in fact bring that nasty attitude with you. I hope they dig a hole in front of your house that is the size of your ego. If they do it another weekend I’ll drive the 6 hours down there to help.

      1. I am from Ohio and have lived in the Carolinas for 34 years. I have had this same problem while fishing, being told that I was on private land. I am willing to drive down and move some sand to take a stand against this jerk. I might even call Trump and have his ass deported back to Jersey!

    2. I am from obx and love my hometown and now live on long beach island in jersey. most parts are great here. Shame on Dandy Yankle for putting it down and for being a wanker in general!”

      I love obx
      I love jerz too

    3. Obviously he does not care for the environment or community. Hopefully he will move out of the beauty we see in OBX. No place for the angry, selfish, intollerant.
      Thank you to the local community for fighting the good fight. Never give up

  3. When there done with this crap, can they bring buckets for trash pick up on the beaches and roadways?

    1. It’s a mindset that stretches all the way to Hatteras. High time we local transplants get rid of these well to do losers that think they need a hide away . We are all transplants regardless of our DNA . The swamp goes all the way through the Park Service, EPA , Marine Fisheries and all the government agencies. Look at all the blocked beaches. Look at the fish you can’t catch. Look at the fishing industry destroyed. This mindset gives rise to more people rich and poor destroying human-hood in the name of their pet position. If we need to clean up beaches or have folks do better then make that the priority. Don’t destroy the economy so these swamp people can feel good.

    2. Actually, Adam, most of us locals DO pick up trash at the beach, AND want to be good stewards of our shorelines and roadways!

    3. When THEY’RE done with that why dont you do the right thing and clean up the litter? Everyone can help.

    4. Adam you sound like another Damn Yankee. I’ve seen New Jersey and it’s filthy Beaches. That highway that brought you Yankees down here have Northbound lanes. Use them!

    5. Could you please post Mr Yankles address so all the southerners that vacation in the outer banks can stop by to drink beer , play cornhole and listen to loud music.

  4. So he buys a house in Duck to “avoid the f*cking dumbass riff raff” and then has the audacity to refer to the sand as “MY sand”. Yeah, maybe he should carry his happy a$$ back to New Jersey!

  5. North Carolina Beaches are just that…our beaches!! Put toll roads especially at the Virginia line and make out of staters pay to come here and make them pay higher taxes and to ride on our beaches. Dont keep making NC folks pay for them to tear up our outer banks.

  6. Although this is very funny, please stop reporting that Southern Shores has no public beach access. There’s at least 20 accesses for anyone to use, yes you need a permit to park but no one can stop you from walking, biking, skating, or getting dropped off to walk through the accesses. In Duck the “general public” does not have that access.

  7. No Currituck Mid-County Bridge. Build a bridge on the ocean front of Duck to By-pass the single wide lane in the city. Let’s make the beach open to all driving through Duck to Currituck. What a Beautiful view of the Ocean that would be. The 8th Wonder of the World right here on the OBX!!

  8. Seeing this everywhere. Damn shame that all taxpayers can’t be allowed access to waters and beaches. I travel a lot fishing and see other states with nice public access areas. Our state needs to do something

  9. Have the local government expropriate a plot of land to give access to the residents, or elect somebody that has the pants to do it.

  10. He has definitely relocated to the wrong state & at the wrong beach. He does not now nor will he ever own the beach, I hope. How ridiculous can you get? I no longer own property on the OBX, but I support the locals in their fight to preserve everyone’s right to access the beach. The world has way too many wealthy entitled elitists. Reign them in every chance you get.

  11. Looks like this pretentious (_/_) needs to go back north where his behavior and language would be tolerated. Who says Mfer to a reporter? At least here, we have manners and only say things like that in private conversations 😏😏

  12. As a former home owner in Duck that had beach access , I believe there should be a public access in all municipalities. This is simply poor planning on Ducks part. Should have never approved these developments without access points between neighborhoods . I realize that Duck wasn’t formally organized until these developments where in place but now is the time to make access a priority. I own an oceanfront home in Nags Head and enjoy the activities on the beach that a public access provides. Sure I and the other owners pay the lions share for the sand tax but that is the price to play. It is wonderful to see families enjoy one of our most precious resources. Beaches are maintained with public dollars and are public property.. the public deserves access!

  13. All I can think of when I hear his name is officer Dangle from Reno 911.its a shame that the place I have loved and lived at for the better part of 17 years has turned so freakin petty.thats exactly what you are officer Dandy Dangle….PETTY.go shave ur back

  14. The locals need to get CAMA involved. CAMA actually requires, by law, so many public beach accesses for every mile of beach within a town’s limits.

  15. For more than 40 years I have referred to the “IGM ATTITUDE” some folks bring to the Duck Area. I GOT MINE….and Locals Keep the Hell Out…first (before there was a road to Corolla thru Duck and Sanderling, there was a Guard Gate we had to pass thru if you were a local resident, then the Beach Access points started to dissipate and the Old English law that said “all people have rights to get to the Oceans and Fishes thereof” started taking a back seat to the Million Dollar Property Owners who closed off Ocean Hills, Sanderling, Duck and Southern Shores….Whalehead Beach was the ONLY subdivision that provided Public Parking and Public Beach Access on 12-15 intersections thanks to Larry Riggs Father, Gerald Friedman, and Jim Kabler (developers who were Local Beach Lovers from VBeach). Arresting a Surfer for trying to get to the beach was a big mistake for the OBX Community and itsTourist Industry. Yes, I am an older surfer dude, Lived on the Ocean most of my life, raised 2 surfer girls in Corolla when there were No Roads and we no problems getting to the Atlantic , and Love the heritage we LOCAL AS IT GETS SHARE..

  16. Declare land between houses emnint domain take five feet from each homeowner for beach access see how they like that how do you like them now!!!!!!!

  17. This guy Yankle doesn’t realize the sleeping giant that he has awakened. This is not Jersey.Home owner or not it doesn’t matter, he has made his bed now and now has to deal with a real community.

  18. When y’all see him in town give him bad service , bad looks, spit in his food, …na just kidding… It’s the town’s fault for not getting access.. maybe their needs to be a place where vehicles can access and drive to the places that have no public access. This will fix the no public beach.

  19. Dandy Yankle .. no wonder he is pissy! I would be too with a name like that! Go back to Jersey where you are accepted there as an asshole! I hope they take every grain of sand off your property! YOU DO NOT OWN THE OCEAN!

  20. Has anyone considered North Carolina’s riparian laws?

    I’m not at all a legal professional so I’m Not giving advice. I think riparian rights give the home owner access to the beach to the point of the high tide mark (subjective and dynamic) and all other persons access to the beach from the water to the high tide mark.

    If there is no access from the public road to the beach, the county/town should provide that access even if it has to be under eminent domain.

    Has anyone talked an attorney specializing in riparian rights?

  21. How can those of us who support the cause of the “locals” lend support?

  22. Need to have weekly beach oarties in front of all of their houses. Bring boats, anchor, play corn hole, party. DONT LEAVE LITTER! But do everythi g they dont want done. Blast Sweet home alabama. Screw em

  23. He and Duck Government both suck for allowing this private access to exist versus public rights of way.

  24. I am a Virginian – which in my mind makes me a protective North Carolinian, too. Those out of state haven’t a right to dictate to our beaches, our way of life. The amount of bucks they have mean nothing to us. We are friendly. We are kind and we are well versed in manners. THEY can take their lack of manners, crassness and abrasiveness – along with THEIR accent back to where they came from. As an example, I have been to New York City and to Jersey for business and hate it when I have to go . MOST persons I encountered were some of the nastiest and ill-mannered people and yes, literally made fun of my southern accent to my face. The Outer Banks is not Malibu CA where some even put fences up to keep people off their beach. God help anyone at OBX that does that. I am getting madder by the minute texting this…

  25. If everyone cannot use the beach then let the private property owners pay for their own sand refills. Beaches need more public access. Beaches should be for everyone’s enjoyment. Not just the privileged few.

  26. Dandy Yankle ???/ OMG What a joke. Sounds like the beginning of a nursery rhyme.

    Dandy Yankle
    had a big fat cankle.
    He was so big he broke his ankle.


    Dandy Yankle was a mean ol man,
    He hogged the beach,
    He hogged the sand.
    His neighbors joined hand in hand,
    Then helped the town take back all their sand.

    LOL The guy is really out of place. He can put up a no tresspassing sand and keep them off his land, but he can’t keep them off the beach… Better if he was named:
    First name Jack
    Last name Ass

  27. Sounds like you have a bad town council and Mayor. We have a fabulous mayor in North Myrtle Beach. We have public access running between houses on every block. We have Trash receptacles every hundred yards with recycle also. We still have some parking problems but our council has added as many parking spots dotted through out as possible. Yep..you need a new council and Mayor who will represent the local needs. Maybe a Class Action Suit would help too. https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/…/7M%200300…

  28. Thanks god we here in California have the California Coastal Commission to protect our access to public beaches. Maybe The Surfrider Foundation can help there too.

  29. Yankee go Home How dare you keep people off the beach! Ho back to Jersy where you belong!

  30. My brother and sister in law are dealing with some neighbors from Delaware who claim they are driving over 18 inches of their property to get on the road in front of their house And have shut down my brothers driveway. Seriously? Ship them back!

  31. Good for them. Maybe these property owners will realize that owning a house doesn’t necessarily mean owning everything around it….just like the New Bern resident that claims to own the Neuse River in front of his house and calls the law every time a boat goes by near the shore.

  32. Hell of a way to be a good neighbor and beach friend. Way to go dumbass, much harder to get those good people back on your side. Go ahead and move now before they run you out of town.

  33. That’s FRIGGIN HILARIOUS!!!! .. We’ve been dealing with that crap for years on the “gold coast” of Ct. The rich put up fake handycap /no parking signs, the night rookie cops don’t know the difference. We’ve even had the cops called out for fishing below the high tide mark..KUDOS FOR THINKING OF IT!!!

  34. Sounds like to me we need to throw one hell of a party right in front of his tax break. I say about a 48 to 72 hour party. Invite the whole island. Maybe 3 to 4 thousand people every weekend for awhile might change his attitude or better yet his address. Suck it up Butter Cup you are in for a long summer i believe. Surfs up ass hole.

  35. Figures from the north and moves south to try and tell us what’s what. Never heard of someone from the south retiring and moving north there’s a reason for that. Go back where you came from. Goes to show the north sucks and they know it. Don’t try and push us around. And I don’t even go down there. Use to but to crowded.

  36. In Upstate NY we call them ‘CITYITS’…. Idiots from NYC and NJ that come up here to ski and enjoy our country… but act like we are dumb country folk!! I hope the real locals win & ship his butt back to where he came from.

  37. yankees is whats wrong with the whole damned country, the nerve of these people

  38. Well dandy yankle! Another mother fen yankee coming down here telling people what to do! Go the hell back to New Jersey you yankee hack!

  39. What a name and AHOLE in DANDY…HANDY DANDY, DANDY DAN, DANDY TINKLE whatever his name is. You sir are the ignorant one!! Riff Raff? Go to and of the public beaches this time of year and they are playing games such as cornhole ( only riff raff play that huh?) and their from NJ, NY, PA, OH, MD, VA and NC. A blend of people that aren’t riff raff. Most are good people. I could say the same thing about you NJ and NYC people. When I lived in the north country next to ski resorts , I always read the police blotter after a weekend. What a surprise that people from Jersey or NYC/Long Island area got arrested. Every week we’d see this.
    I’ve been in establishments in Corolla, Duck all the way to Ocracoke and have seen and heard people sounding and acting like AHOLES and “mother effers” as you call them. Maybe it was you I heard. You seem to fit that kind of person…Oh, I’m judging you…As you are the locals….you moron. If someone didn’t pick up after themselves and acted like AHOLES and mother offers then call the police. What you have done is shaken the hornet’s nest you rich prick. I am retired from the north and the riff raff you speak of…The locals are my friends. They are hard working, good people. To bring it down to your level and us under edjumicated locals…You sir are a POS.
    If you use yours ad a rental…I suggest people boycott the businesses that support your rental. If you own your home and actually live there…Good luck….Or better yet, bad luck for you. Remember….Karma is a bit*h

  40. I say let the red cow(Fire) kick his house clean… 2 or 3 burn downs will either change yankles attitude or send him packin’

  41. Feel bad for Duck locals but this Jersey guy is Happy he’s gone. North Jersey is doing it’s best to ruin South Jersey. Good luck with that idiot.

  42. Entitled damn Yankee!!!! Stay in New Jersey where you and your effing attitude belong.

  43. I’ll tell ya what hurts my soul,
    I’ve driven down the beach for 40yrs to see my brother…. now I have to pay for a parking pass to sit beside him at the beach

  44. Real estate law states that property cannot be landlocked! It must have access! Period! Topsail gets plenty of tax money, has clean beaches with access, the damn Yankees can get over it or go home!

  45. Its the simple fact that people don’t care about other people, they care about materialistic items… Let the selfishness go. Not everyone is Rich and can own or rent a home in HOAs. The beaches should be public. But once they realize the personality of the majority that resides in the area, people wouldn’t want to go to the beach out there anyways! The beach is a place to relax, vacation, and unwind. Let people do it the way they want. If they are respectful enough to keep the area clean, I don’t see a problem.

  46. I have to agree with Adam, spend more time picking up the trash along the beaches and the highways. Of course if people would quit throwing their trash out their windows or just leaving it out on the beach we wouldn’t have this problem.

  47. I agree! I board horses in Florida during the winter show season. The only people who’ve caused problems were from New Jersey. Rude, arrogant, threw trash everywhere, ruined my beautiful farm, didnt pay on time….I threw them out.

  48. Guess if he’s drowning I couldn’t help save him! Can’t go across “his” beach to get him!!!

  49. Bad attitudes & politics being forced on kind people in small towns. Then the transplants wonder what happened to the “nice” town. SMDH

  50. As someone who grew up surfing from Wilmington to VA. Beach, this guy really has to be the biggest loser in life. Go home & leave our beaches to those who really love them.

  51. Dandy Yankle!!! That is all! Hahahaha What a moron, with a name that fits perfectly. I’m calling any moron I meet from now on a Dandy Yankle!

  52. All beach from the dune line to the water’s edge belongs to every citizen of North Carolina.
    The issue is not confused. YANKEE D. DANDY should go back to New Jersey.
    The Town of Duck cannot codify who has beach access and should purge all statutes to the contrary.
    I might come out there for my bucket of sand and I’ll take it from in front of Dandy’s house.
    Why? Because I can and he can’t do a flipping thing about it even if he is from New Jersey.

  53. I’m from Jersey & own on HI. This Dandy should sell his house and buy a private island so he can own his own beach! Shame on him!! He gives Jersey a bad name! From the rest of us Jersey folks, I am sorry!!

  54. Thanks for a good laugh. Do you write copy for Alex Lex, the famous OBX photographer??😁😁

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