Bear in Kitty Hawk Relocates. Blames Lack of Affordable Housing

A bear from Currituck swam across the sound this month in search of adventure and better trash cans. In bear culture there have long been legends of the food Northern Outer Banks people throw away, but few bears make the journey. One brave bear dared to make the trek only to find out that legends aren’t always as described. We sat down for a chat at a local coffee shop to see how he was doing.

Bear: “Don’t get me wrong, the trash is amazing and hardly protected. It is everything I dreamed of, but I just can’t find a 3 bedroom for under 1600 a month. I don’t have that kind of scratch. Being a bear doesn’t pay much. I couldn’t afford that even with a roommate or two. I’m not going to live like those coyotes who pack 4 families into a house. I will just take my furry butt back across the sound to where no one would want an AirBnB.”

Report: “What will you tell the other bears.”

Bear: “I will tell them the truth. This place is wonderful, but soon you won’t be able to live here if you work here. Mark my words, soon instead of OBX locals worried about Currituck bears moving into their neighborhood, it will be us bears making room for y’all on the mainland.”

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3 Replies to “Bear in Kitty Hawk Relocates. Blames Lack of Affordable Housing”

  1. They have never been able to live here always come to work by bus. We don’t want a VA.BEACH.

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