New App “LUBER” Helps People Find Someone Willing To Put Sunscreen On Their Back

We have all been in the situation where you know you need sunscreen on your back, but you can’t reach. Though there are probably some people around who would do it for you, it still isn’t something you feel confident asking a random stranger on the beach about. That is the focus of the new app “Luber” The app will scan for people nearby and show your their profile. If it looks like a person you would want to lather with sunscreen you swipe right.

There are also options to enter your sunscreen preference. For example if you don’t feel comfortable rubbing it in you are a “SPRUB” which means spray but no rub. If you won’t use chemical sunscreen you are “Mineral Queen.” Some terms from similar apps have also appeared in the app depending on how much hair you have on your back. The scale starts at Seal and goes to Otter, Pup, Wolf, and finally Bear.

“It’s great,” said local waitress, Candace, “I open it up and all of a sudden I am swarmed with helpful people. I think some people aren’t even at the beach, but they come out of their way to help out. It really supports my belief that humans are genuinely good and friendly”

“I haven’t had anyone help me yet,” said Bruce the burly accountant, “I have been keeping my shirt on in the meantime, but I haven’t given up hope yet. I did get a match once, but it was a spam account, which actually got me a new pair of Oakley’s cheap!”

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