Breaking: Photo Evidence Show Ralph Northam In Disguise In Manteo

Manteo, NC – A resident of Manteo is claiming to have a photo proving the rumor spreading around that the Governor of Virginia violated his own stay at home order to secretly fly an aircraft to the Outer Banks, to stay in his vacation home. The photo clearly shows the governor in a disguise he has used in the past, walking the docks of Pirate’s Cove, the neighborhood where his cottage is located. The Governor claims these rumors are false, but has yet to provide photo evidence of him not being in Manteo.

The local providing the photo wished to remain unnamed, but had a convincing story. “Well a cop who doesn’t want to be named, told me that he heard from his wife who wishes to be unnamed that Dale at the jetski store, who wishes to be unnamed, sold him a part for his jetski. So I had to go see it for mah self. I drove over there and I saw him walking the docks in that disguise and snapped this picture. He saw me do it and come up to me and said his name was ‘Ray’ and he was looking for some trees to celebrate the occasion of it being 4/20. I told him we don’t do that down here. We celebrate freedom, and he could take that hippy stuff back to Virginia where it belongs. He looked disappointed that I saw through his facade and quickly ran back to his house. Next thing I know I checked the waistband of my sweatpants and my .38 is gone! I said, ‘Jim, he done got ya.’ He swiped my concealed carry! I keep warning people about this guy, but they don’t listen.”

The Governor’s people had no comment because we didn’t contact them, but will most definitely claim the evidence is a photo manipulation. Locals on the other hand will believe what they want to believe despite all evidence to the contrary. The reader will have to decide which is more believable: A Governor leaving his state in the middle of a crisis to go fishing, even though it was against the law and would look terrible if anyone found out, or the local rumor mill concocted another false accusation against an outsider and people ate it up because it made someone they don’t like look bad. Or is it that a guy who got away with wearing blackface to go on to be Governor thinks that he can get away with a quick fishing trip. Or that a guy who was a doctor could afford some SUVs to sit at his vacation house for use while he is on vacation. Or is it that his neighbor said they park their extra cars in his driveway while he isn’t there, and let him use them when they come down? With so many answers everyone is free to pick which ever one they want to believe, and post about it on the internet.

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